[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][title title=”What My Clients Say” title_tag=”h1″ align=”center” title_font=”{‘family’:’Nothing You Could Do’, ‘variant’:’regular’, ‘size’:”}” sub_title_font=”{‘family’:’Lato’, ‘variant’:’100′, ‘size’:”}” title_uppercase=”no” font_size=”custom-sz” custom_font_size=”40px” line=”no” custom_title_color=”#eaa05b” custom_sub_title_color=”#3f3f3f”][title title=”Reviews” align=”center” font_size=”custom-sz” custom_font_size=”25″ line=”no”][anything_carousel slides_per_view=”1″][quote author_name=”Jennifer & Matt Cardella – March 2019″]Details of Florence is the perfect choice for seeing the city without the tourists. Esther is kind, knowledgeable and fun. Prior to our arrival in Florence, she spent weeks tailoring and customizing our trip, based on our requests. She put together a fabulous restaurant guide as well. On the day of our tour, Esther arrived at our hotel and we began a fun day together, seeing some wonderful things in Florence we would have otherwise missed. Choosing Details of Florence is like seeing the city with a friend![/quote][quote author_name=”Alicia Rose – June 2019″]A great friend to have in Florence. Very knowledgeable, friendly and accommodating![/quote][quote author_name=”Jeroen Berkhoudt – August 2019″]Today I had a 3-hour walk along all the highlights of Florence. Thanks to our enthusiastic and inspiring friend Esther a wonderful experience !!! We know her as an accessible and open person who brings this beautiful city to life with her knowledge. Recommended!!![/quote][quote author_name=”Heath Warburton – November 2019″]Esther is amazing to work with. She helped us plan an incredible wedding in Florence. She was diligent and patient with us as we worked though choices and decisions. Her knowledge of the area and ability to find anything we asked for, was astounding. I look forward to working with her on future vacations. Thank you for all you did Esther. I look forward to our next meeting![/quote][/anything_carousel][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_empty_space height=”210px”][vc_single_image image=”1792″ img_size=”medium” alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_rounded”][/vc_column][/vc_row]