Details of Florence
Details of Florence

Exciting new steps!


It’s the 16th of February 2019 and today it has been one year, three months and a couple of days since I arrived in Florence. I eat, sleep, breathe Florence and I can sincerely say it is the biggest, most consuming and most fulfilling love I have ever felt. I am Florence. Florence is me. And now it’s time for a super exciting new chapter: my own website and company! It’s both the scariest (what if I fail?!) and most exciting (but what if I fly?!) thing I have ever done.

The past few months I have dedicated hours and hours to building my own website. I’m self-taught, so it took a while. But I’ve never been prouder of anything before. It is exactly what I want it to be and together with a team of professional, great people, I will improve it even further.

What’s it all about? Sharing! I want to share my love and fascination for this city. I want to help you find your way in all of its (sometimes overwhelming) beauty and I want to give back to the city that has put her arms around me and made me feel at home. I’m a travel advisor and assistant and apart from that I will be sharing bits and pieces of my life and this city through blog posts and pictures.

I’m super super excited for these new steps and hope to meet many of you over the next months. To help you out, give you advice, have a glass of wine together and to see you fall in love with this place the way I did over 10 years ago. We will see each other soon! Ci vediamo presto! ♥
